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The future is electric mobility. Innovative bus motors by TSA.

We are at the beginning of a new, multi-mobile age. While there are many reasons for this development, certain trends which will fundamentally and permanently change our society in the years to come, such as demographic change or increasing urbanization, have already become apparent. Rapid urbanization poses a major challenge to transport infrastructure due to increased mobility needs. Issues such as emissions, congestion and the related reduction of the ecological footprint in city traffic will have an even greater impact on our everyday lives in the future.

According to the United Nations, the world population is projected to reach more than nine billion in 2050, with two-thirds of them living in cities. It’s time to make a step in the right direction, towards electric bus motors for sustainable road transport. Get on the road with us.

You have questions about our products for your road vehicles?

‘The future drives electric, with Traktionssysteme Austria.
Innovative solutions for urban electric mobility around the world.’

Why choose TSA as a supplier for your road vehicles? Because electric mobility is our business.

Solaris Trollino Metrostyle for Salzburg
VanHool ExquiCity electric bus Linz
Solaris Urbino 12 electric bus
Solaris Urbino 18 electric bus

Benefits of choosing TSA as your supplier for the bus motors you need

You want to know more about our bus motors and products for your road vehicles?

TSA bus motors operate in road commercial vehicles all over the world.

From Germany to Mexico, you will find our bus motors in road vehicles around the world. Our motors operate in all climate conditions. Since 2000, TSA motors have been powering electric buses by Solaris, Van Hool and Hess. Also VDL and Bozankaya are among our e-bus industry partners.

Solaris Urbino 12 electric bus
Solaris Urbino 18 electric bus
Kiepe Gillig Dayton 12 electric bus